© 2009-11 - Wallace Point Fjords
Enjoy some of our herd:

Anders as a baby
Anders in 2008
Tarja with mare, Gunda
Perle on day of arrival 
A2Z Thorson
Spunk & Anders, Paul Degen training
Aggie nursing Terje
Perle & Jessie Jensen 
Tordemann as yearling
Heldig & Pat Holland
Trollius glad trip to NS is done
Tordemann on right
Marta, Nancy training
Tarja & Terje glad to be in NS....finally!
Tarja testing her legs after the long trip
Tarja & Terje testing the new fields in NS
Tarja with Gary Holland
Tarja with Inge Burr
A2Z Thorson
Marta finally home with Catherine's help
A2Z Thorson's gentle stallion ways